Friday, May 21, 2010

Going Beyond Everyday Google Search

We all know of Google. We all use Google, probably on a daily basis, to search the web for articles, images, and research for our classes and daily life. It's become the go to search engine for most of the world. However, did you know about all the enhanced searching that Google has/is developing? I found a post recently from another blog that I follow by Joyce Kasman Valenza. There are a wealth of other options for searching but many are buried in the Google Labs. Here are a couple samples of what's available:

Google Squared: creates a matrix of examples perfect for students looking for topic options or comparison projects.
Google Sets: List 2 or 3 similar items and this search engine will then predict what other topics would fit in the set. Great for getting a list of topics for students to research.

There are also other ways of viewing your search results. After hitting the search button on a topic, on the left side under All Results are some other options for viewing the topic. Wonder Wheel gives a graphical organizer sort of layout while Time Liner gives a time line of historical references for the topic.

Pretty cool and useful stuff!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Math Class Makeover

Interesting video about revamping your math class.

What do you math teachers think about this?