Friday, April 29, 2011

Bring Your Own Device

In the fall of 2011, CCHS is planning to pilot a program of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as a means to move toward a one-to-one environment in certain classrooms. One-to-one means one computing device to one student, every student has their own device for productivity, research, communication, etc. While doing some research I found a post by April Weston, AZ on the Discovery Educator Network blog. I thought that this excerpt from that blog was very pertient: “We have to start thinking of these devices like pencils,” my colleague said. “Some kids have their own pencils, and we encourage them to bring them to school.” The post then goes on to talk about the "pencils", computing devices, that many students bring with them everyday yet aren't allowed to use as well as the paridigm shift that will eventually take place. She then poses some very good discussion questions that need to be answered prior to implementing a BYOD program. Administrators, teachers, and technology personnel from both CCHS and WCHS, have begun some of these discussions to prepare for our pilot program. Currently the plan is to continue the ban on cell phones but to allow other devices (laptops, netbooks, iPads or other slates) for students enrolled in the pilot courses only. What concerns and questions do you have regarding the use of student owned devices? Should we continue banning smartphones or should we allow our students to use the technology that they carry in their pockets? Are smartphones going to be enough for students or is a laptop the only way to go?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 I used this for a while but found that I have too many places to share info so I've deleted this site and am concentrating on just my blog and Twitter for now. It's still a great tool for sharing info so if you're interested create your own! site. I'll follow you! MO -- 2/29/2012. Found a great new tool for keeping teachers updated on cool tools that I find as I read blogs and surf the web. allows you to creat a site on your favorite topic(s) and quickly post updates to keep your readers informed. It's currently in beta but so is Google and that seems to be working out fairly well! :-)
Check out my new site at!